Training Days
Our training days are staffed by the most eminent trainers from here and abroad, carefully chosen for their ability to enable participants to feel deeply enthused and involved.
Many of the trainers have published widely, with ground-breaking books. Many have acted as consultants to key organisations and governing bodies.
'Enabling Children to Speak About Feelings Through the Arts'
These days are designed to enable anyone working with or living with children to help them speak about feelings through the arts and to know how to respond when they do. Children’s primary language for feelings is not one of literal everyday words; however, enter the realm of image and metaphor, and given the right art media, they often speak profoundly and with ease. By and large, these training days will be structured with case material in the morning, demonstrating how children and teenagers have been enabled to speak about their feelings through a particular art form. In the afternoon there will be time for participants to experience for themselves the communicative power of the art form. Participants will take away a host of safe tools and techniques.
Art Skills Days 0 Events
'Enabling Children to Speak About Feelings Through the Arts'
These days are designed to enable anyone working with or living with children to help them speak about feelings through the arts and to know how to respond when they do. Children’s primary language for feelings is not one of literal everyday words; however, enter the realm of image and metaphor, and given the right art media, they often speak profoundly and with ease. By and large, these training days will be structured with case material in the morning, demonstrating how children and teenagers have been enabled to speak about their feelings through a particular art form. In the afternoon there will be time for participants to experience for themselves the communicative power of the art form. Participants will take away a host of safe tools and techniques.
Child Protection training 0 Events
Dr Dan Hughes 0 Events
Training Days with Dr Dan Hughes
These training days offer a rare opportunity to be trained by top clinician, theorist and author in child therapy, Dr Dan Hughes (USA). For the past 25 years, Dr Hughes has specialised in working with traumatised children and young people who have considerable difficulty establishing and maintaining good relationships, due to betrayal, abuse and neglect.
- Founder of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy with children/families.
- Originator of PACE.
- Changed the way people work with children and families.
Dr Hughes is world-leading practitioner in healing troubled children. He has achieved international acclaim for his profoundly transformative therapeutic work with the most troubled and traumatised children and young people. Dan’s empathic way of relating to children and young people can bring about major changes often in a few sessions. He is a Clinical Psychologist and author of many books including 'Building the Bonds of Attachment'; 'Healing Relational Trauma'; 'Attachment Focused Family Therapy'; 'Attachment Focused Parenting'; 'Brain Based Parenting'. He has decades of groundbreaking and profoundly moving clinical practice with very traumatised adolescents who have moved into violence.