To access both webinars for 2 months (part one and part two) please click below
To access both webinars for 2 months (part one and part two) please click below
About the webinars
Part One
Meeting the Emotional Needs of Young People Who Feel Isolated, Worthless, Anxious or Depressed
Part One: webinar presents a range of ideas and interventions for practitioners to address the emotional needs of vulnerable students. The interventions are not generalised policies which at the end of day really don’t help anyone, e.g. ‘support resilience for all or ‘build wellbeing in staff and students’; rather, they are specific and can be easily implemented into any setting where being trauma-informed and mentally healthy is taken very seriously.
Leaving unmet the emotional needs of vulnerable young people in any setting usually results in derailed learning, challenging behaviours, stalled personal development, and the young person suffering from severe emotional distress. It doesn’t have to be this way. This training identifies and addresses each unmet emotional need in a troubled or traumatised young person, including psychological safety, belonging, connectedness, self-esteem, finding purpose and meaning. The presenter offers specific interventions for each emotional need and illustrates these with relevant and moving film footage and case studies.
Most importantly, this training explores the underlying causes of why so many young people say they want to die and why many tragically do take their own lives. The presenter will address how settings can implement a Suicide Prevention Policy to protect young people, not simply by ‘looking for signs’ (often there are no signs) but by addressing underlying causes, so no teenager is left suffering agonising states of emotional distress.
Part Two
Meeting the Emotional Needs of Young People Who Feel Angry, Unmotivated and Alienated from Schoolwork
In Part Two: The presenter will explore ways of supporting vulnerable young people who are suffering from anxiety. Again, some underlying causes of trauma are addressed, rather than focussing solely on behavioural or cognitive interventions that often don’t work overtime. The presenter will also demonstrate how to support young people who have never really experienced social joy, or passion for creative pursuits and instead feel alienated from learning and life, suffering lethargy, boredom and disaffection.
The presenter will also address the question of how to help vulnerable people ‘locked in anger’ to experience quality of life and enjoy fulfilling non-power-based relationships. Finally, in a world where Pornhub is one of the most popular websites for 11-year-old boys, the presenter will address how we need to change the social narratives around sex and help young people find connection and meaning in healthy intimate relationships, rather than abuse, alienation, pain and distress.