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How Children Heal from Painful Life Experiences

This film looks at six key ways, that children heal from painful life experiences

All the interventions are evidence-based and many with extensive research base.

The theory and practice of therapeutic change will be explored, focusing on how and why  children and young people should, with a skilled emotionally available adult,  expect profound changes to brain, mind and body leading to far better physical and mental health and quality of life.

Delegates will learn about a rich array of interventions, illustrated by case material. Without such interventions, children young people and adults can get stuck in mental health problems often for decades, with the haunting of past trauma blighting their lives. It doesn’t have to be this way .






Benefits from attending

Learn about the healing power of :

  • Having an emotionally available adult in your life
  • Receiving active listening, empathy and feeling profoundly understood
  • Collaborative sense making to address the cause of your pain  not the symptoms.
  • Mentalisation based interventions
  • Big empathy drawings,
  • Symbolising painful feelings in words and images
  • Addressing core feelings underneath defences
  • Changing maladaptive emotion with healthy emotion
  • Memory re-consolidation
  • Bringing unstoried- emotions to coherent narrative

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Cost: £32 for 30 day subscription

Running time: 1hr 33 mins

Company Information

Company Registration 11457893
Palladium House, 1-4 Argyll Street,
London, United Kingdom, W1F 7LD